Taxes and Golf ⛳

This week has quickly become one of my favorite weeks of the year. The Masters tournament kicks off for those of us that are golf fans and I start to turn my focus to our strategies for the coming year. It’s been an unusual last few years in our business. So much so, that I’ve…

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The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024

Here we go again… Congress is currently (slowly) working on pushing through a bill that would have rules that would be applied retroactively to 2023. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 is a bipartisan piece of legislation that passed, overwhelmingly, in the House of Representatives, but is currently stalled getting…

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Tax Season – Our New World

Hey All! The last few years have changed our industry drastically. We used to be able to start tax return preparation in January and go until April 15th. But, due to a variety of factors, the “tax season” has become more compressed than ever. As many of you are noticing, all of your tax forms…

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